Posted: Apr 19, 2021 8:42 pm
by Stein
dogsgod wrote:
Stein wrote:
RealityRules wrote:

There is of course some difference between Ant 18.3.3's "He was the Christ," and Ant. XX.200's "Jesus who was called Christ".

No shit, Sherlock.


Stein, I get the impression from reading your posts that those that do not believe that Jesus came down to earth in the flesh are damned to Hell.

We don't have any solid confirmation that there is a Hell. The extant primary sources for Enmetena and Urukagina in the Sumerian chronicles, the earlier books in the Rig-Veda and the material related to Krishna, the original writer of the J sections in the Exodus and the rest of the Torah, the earliest Digha-Nikaya sermons of Gautama Buddha, Chapters 3 through 9 of the Confucius Analects, Plato's Apology and Charmides relating to Socrates, the Q passages in Matthew and Luke, the better attested passages in the Hadith, the Sikh Japji Sahib on Guru Nanak, and the writings of Baha'u'llah, are all over the map on an afterlife of any kind. Quite likely the lack of unanimity from these empaths indicates it's all a mirage. The notion of a Hell may appear earliest in the Rig-Veda, and it's possible that is where Jesus of Galilee ultimately derives his notions of same. Since the notion of Hell does not originate from a locatable historic individual, so far as we can tell, it remains an amorphous folk notion that is highly dubious, very different from the paper trail for some sort of concrete divine energy, confirmed, one way or the other, by every founding empath for millennia.

By the way, Jesus of Galilee did not come down to Earth from anywhere. Pagan chronicles, like Tacitus and the


Jesus reference in Josephus's Antiquities,


G O D -



make it effing clear that Jesus of Galilee was a normal scrappy human being who had the sheer insolence to be both a Jew and a pioneering entirely human empath. So put that in your antisemitic pipe and smoke it.

[I don't know why this forum provides the wherewithal for colored type, since they get their knickers in a twist every time it's used.]

The only reason why the Jesus biography is important is because there is an unbroken line from Enmetena's freeing debt slaves in ancient Sumer, to the Hebrew slaves freed from Egypt's yoke, to King Asoka's freeing all slaves on becoming the first royal Buddhist, to Socrates teaching a slave, to slaves spearheading the first Christians in the Roman Empire, to Ulpian's "all men are equal", to Nanak's explicit enunciation of the brotherhood principle, to Deganawida's first Federation principle for the Iroquois, to Franklin's adoption of same for the Constitution, to Tsar Alexander's freeing of the serfs, to Martin Luther King's fight for equality in 20th-century America. Shitting on any part of that chain automatically associates one with the ante-bellum South and the Confederacy and the whole filthy baggage related to vindicating the most blatant inequalities throughout history and standing explicitly opposed to the tide of growing inclusivity throughout time. That filthy bandwagon is what Trump and January 6th are all about: the whole bogus notion that there are natural inequalities in the human family. News flash: there effing aren't.
