Posted: May 27, 2021 1:07 pm
by proudfootz
Stein wrote:Good description here of what typifies conspiracy theorists like the mythers --

"[P]artisan bloggers .... reinforce their mutual preconceptions by echoing them back and forth, referencing each other, accepting only what evidence confirms their beliefs and ignoring the rest (when they reference evidence at all.) This is the modus oper[a]ndi of dogmatists, and it can become a prison which is difficult [to] escape" ... st12586443


Reinforcing mutual preconceptions by echoing them back and forth?
Referencing each other?
Only accepting evidence that reaffirms their beliefs?
Ignoring or minimizing disconfirming evidence?

Sounds like Bible studies in academia!

According to respected Bible expert Bart Ehrman no one thought to even examine the fundamental question of Jesus's historical existence until he published his Jesus book in 2013 - up to then it had merely been thoughtlessly assumed.

