Posted: Aug 18, 2013 3:58 pm
by surreptitious57
Religious Education can mean two completely different things. It can be referenced in a historical context or a moral one. The first I have no problem with. Children should be taught about the major belief systems. Eighty per cent of the global population follow one of the big five so understanding them is absolutely essential. It will teach then to realise that there is more than one interpretation and therefore no monopoly on wisdom. I also think they should be taught that there are alternatives to belief such as Humanism for example. All this should be taught as objectively as possible

But using religion to teach morality is something I am totally against. Because it would be very subjective and focusing only on one particular belief. In a country like England with a long Christian tradition the line between the teaching of it as a simple historical narrative and as a moral life guide can be become very blurred. It is the job of schools to teach pupils how to think not what to think. Any school that does not do that is failing in its moral and legal obligation to do so. I am specifically referencing state schools here rather than faith ones or academies. Though in principle this should apply to all educational establishments teaching children sixteen or under. Unfortunately faith schools and academies have more freedom under the law. Christian academies for example are allowed to teach Intelligent Design alongside Evolution. This would be laughable if it was not so serious. Schools are for education not propaganda.Though I understand Michael Gove draws the line at Creationism. Which is very nice of him. But pseudo science is not science and should not be taught so I D should go too. I just wonder how many of the next generation that are going to be educated in these academies will graduate believing this nonsense. It should be resisted completely and absolutely. There should be a very clear distinction between what can and cannot be taught

Creationist zoos also should not be filling childrens heads with even more nonsense. I understand one needs a licence for one. Well none should be given. Spreading lies should not be sanctioned by law. And these establishments promote themselves as educational. But I think the word they are looking for is mythological. Same number of syllables but totally different meaning. Something that those running them seem oblivious to unfortunately