Posted: Apr 20, 2010 1:24 pm
by locutus7
TMB wrote:
locutus7 wrote:Covey is big-time LDS, if I recall. A mormon senior. Not that his religion is an influence on his books (or is it?)

I would say that it must be difficult, if not impossible, to separate someones religion and behavioral convictions. LDS are strongly motivated missionaries and have the courage of their convictions - meaning they dont acept ideas that are counter to their own. The 7 habits is certainly prescriptive and is presented as certain and the correct way to do things. I would say its quite consistent with his LDS stance.

Perhaps it is merely coincidence, but a number of best selling authors are mormons who readily admit to reflecting their beliefs in their books. Stephanie Meyers (Twilight), the guy (forgot his name) who wrote Enders Game are just 2 who come to mind. Wildly popular books.

I speculate that these books don't influence readers toward LDS but rather resonate with readers' existing beliefs. And most people can enjoy their books without even noticing any LDS doctrine or message.
