Posted: May 28, 2010 6:18 pm
by MattHunX
After the (surprisingly high) attention my bullfighting thread got, and the direction it's headed off...

Who here agrees or disagrees with my statement below?

The whole of humanity, in general, can be described as being nothing but more or less sophisticated savagery. And, by "more or less", I mean, that I would not, and I do not consider all (of "my fellow") human beings to be barbaric/savage. But, we are just sophisticated animals, apes. I like the analogy with the piano keys that describe just how recently we've evolved and came into existence, as humans. By this I mean, we are still in the phase where, if I want to be generous, we have barely managed to learn how to walk.

Sure, we learned, more or less, how to take care of ourselves, sustain life, groups, societies and great civilizations have risen and fallen. Yet, so much barbarism (towards all animals, us included), immorality, incompetence (to solve these issues), indifference (to all these)...etc. remains, that I have to say I have lost hope in the majority of the race. In our scientist, in the sciences, in the doctors...etc. and in people like on this forum, I still hold much, though.


EDIT: On second read this is more of a rant...