Posted: Mar 09, 2016 11:26 pm
by Macdoc
There's something I have noticed about the elderly, especially approaching that age - they are not obligated to follow any normal social rules or norms, really follow any pretense of any sorts, rather just can be and most people will never say a single word. I find it quite fascinating, actually. Perhaps it's smelling death around the corner what makes you completely abandon the feeling that you should just blindly follow any such norms or even be concerned about the society thinking of you in a particular way, positive or not, as a concept. I have never met a single person that age who would even hesitate to tell me exactly what they think, and I do have enormous respect for something like that.

Death around the corner????!!!!!! Elderly !!!! surely you jest

68 riding motorcycle off road and on and travelling the world.....60s is middle age these days....both parents got to still driving and alert.

Not a thought about death around the corner.....aches and pains....yes that's annoying but then there is Celebrex.
Elderly is 80+ and even then some are still out riding mcycles and doing incredible stuff.

People in this 60s age bracket do tend to speak their minds as I think their confidence in having had a "good life" ( even if there are ups and downs ) is pretty high and they've refined their approach to certain "embedded wisdom" from life experience.

Let's us get past the minor stuff that often younger people obsess on.