Posted: Oct 25, 2018 6:30 pm
by Hermit
Thommo wrote:The author is a conspiracy theorist who writes for a conspiracy theory website.

That was pretty bloody obvious from the very start, what with the scare quotes bracketing 'conspiracy theorists' in the title and the caption to the photo right underneath it, which reads: "Is this building falling or exploding? If you say "falling" you need to take your meds". I expect the author to be an active member of the 'Above Top Secret' forum and a fan of David Icke. If he's old enough he'll probably have a copy of that convicted fraud von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods on his bookshelf.

In my experience conspiracy theorists usually believe in entire clusters of garbage. One of several I met was an occasional offsider of mine. On our way to some delivery he pointed up at the sky and said: "Chemtrails". I laughed, and not quite sure if he was serious, I searched for the most ridiculous thing I could think of to quiz him about. "I suppose you believe in mermaids too." "Yes", he replied excitedly. "Some Japanese fishermen caught one. And they ate her!" Mockingly, I told him to lay off the fluoridated toothpaste. He then tried to lecture me on its evils. "Better not enquire what he thinks of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", I thought to myself, and distracted him by asking him when he'll get his broken down car going again.