Posted: May 26, 2011 6:40 pm
by Agrippina
Teach it at school, as part of life skills training. Make kids aware of how their country is run. For one thing they'll understand that when a presidential candidate says he'll make sweeping changes, that without the support of his administration, he actually doesn't have the power to decide the colour of the presidential house's toilet paper, let alone whether free health care should be instituted.

With this knowledge, even young people will vote for the people with the best track record, rather than the bimbo with the pretty eye glasses or the guy who knows how to match his tie and his pocket handkerchief.

Definitely in this country, kids need to learn that when a party doesn't deliver on their promises "we'll build 50 million houses in the next five years" and don't build even 50,000 houses, then they should vote for another party giving them the chance to make good on the previous government's promises, or whatever the issue of the day happens to be.