Posted: Oct 19, 2015 2:54 pm
by s13ep

Ritualistic Lucid Dreaming

In a lucid dream infinite power, within the bounds of the dreamers own body, is bestowed upon the dreamer; if the dreamer can control the dreamers urge for fun, the dreamer may conduct a ritual, which will result in a downgrade to a normal dream wherein the dreamer may find answers to difficult questions, that they like or dislike, or enlightenment---or the dreamer may be granted special, sometimes unique, mental or physical powers. To conduct a ritualistic lucid dream follow the steps that're written below this paragraph in full:

1. Be in a state of a lucid dream; sleeping multiple times in a day can help influence lucid dreams, either on the second sleep, third or thereafter. Another method is to keep a healthy mind; do not touch narcotics, as narcotics, especially cannabis and tobacco, may reduce your dopamine or make your rapid-eye-movement weaker.
2. Focus dream energy into a small focal point; a triangle made out of the fingers will suffice, but it's fine to use any shape or form. The more expertise that you have, the greater flexibility you will attain.
3. Use vocal or visual stimulation to perform the ritual; perhaps ask, "what happens when I, or they, die", and then the ritual will present to you, in a normal dream format, the answer(s) to your question. There are many rituals that one can perform---it doesn't always have to be a question.