Posted: Mar 14, 2020 10:38 pm
by Nevets
Thomas Eshuis wrote:

I have made a thread just for you.
Since I did not ask you to, no-one will be fooled by yet another attempt to run away from a thread where your arse water has been soundly refuted, to go down another rabbit hole. :naughty:

You misunderstand.
You are down the Rabbit hole.

You are Latinised.
But what you truelly are, is Hellenised.

You will defend Hermes, the Greek God of Language, by trying to remove any connection with Indo-europeans, in order to promote the lie that the Greek Gods gave you your language.

You do this automatically. Without even realising you are doing it.

You will even default to just blindly "assuming" that if it was not recorded in writing, then it must have been passed from generation to generation via oral tradition, because it certainly was not the Norse people that gave the great Greek philisophers, and writers of the Old Testament, their language. Those drunken barbarians. And you will spout this belief blindly, without any citation whatsoever.
Yet, i assume you are probably a Celt. Your belief is one of a conquered Celt.
Belief in Jesus and God is irrelevant.

I am not saying that the Norse gave the "entire world" their language.
We would need to go inside China, and Africa, for that debate.