Posted: May 03, 2016 6:11 am
by Ven. Kwan Tam Woo
surreptitious57 wrote:She knows far more about Islam than Western liberals since she used to be a Muslim. Though that aside
they may still be reluctant to criticise it for fear of being labelled racist whereas she can do so without
being labelled one. Both of these reasons may be while she angers them. The first is justifiable but the
second not so because legitimate criticism of Islam does not equate to racism under any circumstances

Lefties are all about Big Government and wealth redistribution. Islam is all about Big Government and wealth redistribution - indeed Islam is about as 'Big Government' as you can get. Islam hates Christianity and the Jews, as does the Left. Couple this with the unacknowledged Christ Complex that lefties collectively have which causes them to equate criticism of Islam with racism against poor defenseless little "brown people", and it's no wonder that they fulminate with sanctimonious indignation when Hirsi dares to tell the truth about Islam.