Posted: Feb 14, 2017 12:53 am
by Calilasseia
Ven. Kwan Tam Woo wrote:And so we find in Lindsay Lohan a perfect microcosm of Western society in the 21st century: Having been psychologically destroyed by a toxic cocktail of sexual decadence, mass media sleaze, drugs, family breakdown, self-loathing, and nihilism born of estrangement from traditional values and community

Does this include the "traditional values and community" arising from the Abrahamic religions? Many of which have been demonstrated to be toxic themselves? Or are you trying to suggest that all that's needed for happiness and fulfilment, is to choose the "right" mythology?

Ven. Kwan Tam Woo wrote:this hollowed-out shell called Lindsay Lohan was made ripe for colonisation by the necrotic infestation known as Islam.

Would you rather she joined the Moonies? Or one of the weirder polygamist Mormon sects, such as the one led by Warren Jeffs, whose "traditional values and community" involved rampant games of Hide The Sausage with 12 year old girls? Or how about Westboro Baptist?

I'm certainly no fan of Islam, and even less so after I bought my own copy of an English translation of the Koran, to learn more about it, only to discover the the book bore the hallmarks of being the product of a psychosis. But the moment I see the words "traditional values and community" being injected into discourse, I am also minded to note the venomous absurdities inherent in numerous scions of Christianity. Ranging from the pus-filled ideological boil that is creationism, through to the disturbing number of children who have died in the USA, because their parents, all of them adherents of "traditional values and community" if you speak to them, preferred a mythological magic man over working medical science.

Ven. Kwan Tam Woo wrote:With her history as a left-leaning Hollywood celebrity, Lindsay and her ‘journey’ will be useful tools for the advancement of the Islamo-Socialist agenda, especially in the United States.

Last time I checked what socialism was about, courtesy of a little book you might have heard of called Das Kapital, socialism was an economic and political doctrine, whose originator was manifestly antithetical to religions of all species, and whose followers have largely maintained that hostility to religion since. The idea that any genuine socialist would line up behind Islam, either moderate or militant, is laughable to those of us who actually understand what the term means. This idea becomes even more laughable, when one considers an observable principle that has been repeatedly demonstrated to operate through recent history - namely, that religions have a habit of marching side by side with political and economic doctrines that most properly constituted socialists hate with a vengeance.

At this juncture, I realise I have potentially opened the door to the "No True Scotsman" fallacy with the above paragraph, but counter this quite effectively as follows: that defining text I cited above sets out in detail (frequently at an excruciating level, moreover accompanied by hideous levels of verbosity, that has also been replicated by subsequent adherents) the core principles of the doctrine, in a manner that is in places refreshingly free of the obscurantism and ambiguity found in mythologies. Though as I have just noted, succinctness seemed to be missing from Marx's literary toolbox. In the light of the above, it is fair to ask whether or not those claiming to be socialists, have actually read this text, understood its contents in detail, and decided to become adherents, because they considered those contents to be robustly convincing of the argument contained therein. For the same reason, I tend to be dismissive of a good few self-declared "religious adherents", when their public eructations demonstrate a near-absence of understanding of the requisite defining works.

Just for the record, I don't consider the contents of Das Kapital convincing, because I'm aware of the unsupported nature of critical doctrinal assertions lurking within that doctrine. But, having waded through that at times funereal text, I understand why people considered those assertions to be convincing when first presented, and why an increasing number of people may do so once again, as inequalities of a sort last seen in the 19th century are replicated here in the 21st. This, of course, does not add anything to the likely veracity of the unsupported core assertions, just as a passion for the requisite works does not magically stop the Harry Potter novels from being fiction. But whenever I see nebulous fabrications of the rectal passage, such as "Islamo-Socialist agenda", the SIWOTI itch inside me elicits an urge to expose these fabrications for the nonsense that they manifestly are.

Seriously, if you're going to start posting as if you've been employed by Breitbart, you might want to reconsider your tenure here, amongst people who can see through such drivel effortlessly.