Posted: Dec 15, 2011 10:44 pm
by Paul G
purplerat wrote:Just thought I'd take a crack at this one.
10. Compare belief in God to belief in Santa Claus, leprechauns, invisible pink unicorns, the flying spaghetti monster, and so forth, as if all supernatural explanatory hypotheses are equally plausible, despite the fact that considerations from inductive logic like scope, simplicity, etc. show that these hypotheses do not have equal intrinsic probability.

All supernatural hypotheses are equally plausible, with that plausibility being null. Plausibility is an inherently naturalistic quality. Therefore if something is said to be supernatural it's plausibility is null. This is not apologetics but rather simple logic.

Yeah I hate this shit. Somehow God is more deserving of consideration because the idea deals with a more important subject? Has been around longer? Millions take it seriously? What? No physical evidence is no physical evidence, however much importance you attach to it.