Posted: Feb 21, 2012 7:40 pm
by Dawn
The irony of this is that most of my clients assume I am a Christian. I don't share my personal beliefs with them. I am very glad to support them and their personal beliefs. I am there to help them and my needs are not important in dealing with clients.

I just want the respect as an employee to not have a belief system forced onto me. We are supposed to all be professionals who are sensitive to different belief systems. Hospice chaplains are supposed to offer spiritual support to patients and families at their request and in a way that is respectful to them no matter what religion they have. There have even been atheists that have allowed them to visit for support. (I wonder how that worked out for the patient) I find it disturbing that this chaplain is so insensitive to employee diversity and I do wonder how this insensitivity may be affecting patients.