Posted: May 09, 2019 2:54 pm
by electricwhiteboy
Thomas Eshuis wrote:
electricwhiteboy wrote:
I found the shrink to be incredibly dismissive and what was supposed to be an hour long diagnosis was less that half an hour. I've ADHD and I believe it may be co-morbid with bipolar, or possibly that I'm somewhere on the autistic spectrum. I've not been able to take antidepressants due to side effects, I've been signed off work for over six months. Basically the shrink said to carry on with my private counsellor and that I didn't need to see NHS psych again. I couldn't be autistic because I am married, and I couldn't be bi-polar because antidepressants didn't send me manic. Despite the fact I told him even on low doses I felt out of control. In less than 20 minutes face to face.

That all sounds awful, but the bolded bit, imo, is a dangerous sign that this shrink is allowing his personal beliefs to supercede his professional knowledge and behavior.
Like the others have said, I would try looking for info from the UK medical association or a secular help organisation if you can find such a source.

The bit you bolded was the reason I was seeking another opinion before I discovered anything about his beliefs. I don't think it's likely I'm autistic the traits are better explained by my ADD, but ruling it out because I'm married and don't really have social problems. WTF? My wife has been seen by him too, very similar story and I'm fairly sure she IS high functioning autistic.