Posted: Jun 23, 2011 4:00 am
by byofrcs
Welcome to humanism - where the buck stops with YOU.

You're not alone with those questions of importance of what you do and of purpose and if you've still lost after a year then you've only just started because the problem is that for millenia religion has provided a Purpose-In-A-Box solution that people didn't have to actually think about but once they did then they found that the box was empty. You're at that stage - staring at this emptiness, scratching your head saying WTF ?

But actually you're also part of a secular, atheist, non-religious revolution to fill that void with actual useful and tangible helpful information for others. You're like a scientist or researcher who enters a new world with absolutely no knowledge except the ability to gather knowledge and use that to make predictions. What you discover can help others but remember that there is no manual to your life because it has not yet happened - you write your own life story.

So document what you find and how you have resolved these problems. Be an observer to how these other, the theists, react to you. Think of it like watching an antfarm.