Posted: Jul 05, 2011 2:04 pm
by Dracena
Aha, "awaiting moderation" means no one else can see it yet.Nice comment Cali :cheers:
Here's mine.
I would actually consider the one paper by Francis Crick on panspermia to be “flirting”.He would have had to write books on the subject and calling the idea anything but “far-fetched” in order for me to consider him to be
a proponent of said idea.
It’s a wholly subjective assesment on both our parts, but that you file that under “Hitchens don’t know science” is laughable.

Here’s another mistake you make; it matters little what the 747 jumbojet analogy was intended for, as creationist variably use it as an argument against the origin of life AND evolution.To bad Hitchens didn’t include both debunkings but quite telling that you don’t bother to even mention that as an argument it’s completely useless.