Posted: Nov 19, 2019 5:06 pm
by newolder
Scott Mayers wrote:...

"Steady" in the Steady State means that time as well as local space HAS to be defaulted to be presumed the same. That is the prime significance that MUST be started off with. It is a theory based upon assuming that physics should not be judged beyond our capacity to measure things locally, which must include all times. Otherwise you lead to a perversion in the evolution of physics to try to make what you see FIT with the desired interpretion.

Then you have supplied a further reason for the dismissal of a "Steady state" model of the universe. There is no universal now as evidenced by application of both Special and General Relativity theory.

The specific principle is called the "Perfect Cosmological Principle" that adds that should we go back to any time, the physics can only be understood to be the same as we can detetermine where we are. The Big Bang is dependent upon interpreting expansion going backwards leads to a time and space that where both do not exist in our Universe AND where a presumed fixed and 'special' quantity of energy exists. THAT implies a physics that we cannot experience locally, such as the inability to PRESENT the possibility that you can compress any amount of matter into a point.

If you are concerned by Big bang inflationary cosmology then I'd be happy to supply you with links to some other testable ideas on cosmology. :thumbup:

The quote tags are beginning to confuse my tiny brain from here onwards so I'll leave the remainder of your post until I feel able to contribute further.

ETA Nope. I read the rest of your screed and have nothing further to add other than: Your concern over the initial singularity is shared amongst many theoretical cosmologists in the 21st Century. As I said above, I can post some links, if you like.