Posted: Nov 07, 2014 1:20 am
by epepke
It's very hard to date things from long ago.

I was born in May, 1961. I remember my first visit to the 1964 World's Fair. That must have been the first run, which was April 22 – October 18, 1964. That was a vivid memory, and it affected the rest of my life. It was at the Singer Sewing Machine exhibit, which had a little film presentation. I remember going through the queue through a room with a counter that was an S-curve to the left. That night, I had a dream in which a panel opened on the wall at the head of my bed and showed the film. That affected me greatly, as I decided that I really wanted to do something like that. This turned out to be the case, as my first career was doing computer animation.

There was one event earlier than that. We had just moved into a new apartment, which meant that I must have been about 2.5. My father was using a belt sander to sand the floors. My parents left the room with it still plugged in. I decided that it would be fun to make it go. It was more exciting than fun, as of course I couldn't have hoped to keep it from flying across the room. I was uninjured.

A dream also that was probably around the time of the World's Fair but might have been later, though not by much. My father had a habit of putting out matches on his tongue, which I didn't like. In the dream, I was sitting with my mother and father in a restaurant. For some reason, there were unfilled aquariums as part of the decor. He was going to do the tongue thing, and I begged him to stop, but he did it anyway. He exploded, and a lot of bones went around the room, falling into the aquariums. He looked at me, said "Oh well," and started putting the bones back on his body. The skeleton, however, was unrealistic, and I knew it at the time, because I had a poster on the back of my door with a real skeleton and lots of the parts marked.

I also remember pretending to be a seagull when I still had a crib, which must have been pretty early, as they got me a bed pretty soon.

I don't remember my circumcision, which Ray Bradbury claims to have remembered (his, not mine). I don't remember "It's a Small World" at the fair, which I was said to have loved.