Posted: Mar 06, 2016 3:33 pm
by igorfrankensteen
This is another in long line of subjects which we History types have observed for eons now (well, none of us are eons old, but you know what I mean), which aren't nearly as illuminating or thought provoking in and of themselves, than they are illuminating about the OBSERVERS WHO ARE ARGUING ABOUT THE OBSERVATIONS.

Among our Archaeologist brethren, for example, there is a joke that whenever something is found on a dig, which doesn't obviously relate to some well-known industry, or immediate sexual conquest, that it should be described as being 'religious' in nature.

We also see how many people still insist that despite claiming to believe that human beings evolved right here on Earth, that somehow we are entirely different from every other creature. Especially in that WE do stuff for abstract reasons like humor, or entertainment, or fun, or because hey, there was this rock, and I felt like picking it up, and after I did, I wanted to pretend I did it for a cool reason, so I threw it at a tree, or placed it somewhere else carefully. That we're the only creatures with imaginations, the only critters who do random stuff just because we can, and so on.

I myself, have had dogs use sarcasm on me. And seen cats play practical jokes on each other. And on and on.