Posted: Aug 19, 2011 6:43 pm
by Dudely
Galaxian wrote:
Speciation is a law of Nature. I mentioned before that [b]even if we seed an empty world with a totally homogenous population of absolutely identical clones, & we have perfect travel & communication between them. So long as there is no medical intervention, & forced eugenics programs, & forced social control; the population will fragment into different cultures & phenotypes & subspecies, then species. And that is with the above perfect scenario.

No, mixing is a law too and you'd have to prevent the mixing from happening somehow. This usually happens through geography. Obviously a group of lizards on a small island are not ever going to split into two different species (assuming they have no trouble traveling anywhere on said island). You need to move some to another island or something similar for that to happen. This is a really simple concept with some pretty easy math behind it.

Also, if we went by our genes we'd actually be a subspecies of chimp along with bonobos and chimpanzees. Any proposed subspecies of humans would have to be subsubspecies (which, obviously, would be stupid).