Posted: Sep 13, 2017 9:38 pm
by GrahamH
John Platko wrote:
I didn't dance around "multiple histories" The concept was introduced in a paper that proved the possibility of agential indeterminism underpinned by physical state determinism.

You introduced a paper that failed to explain 'multiple histories'. It took many. many posts to get even a mention of MWI, let alone a non-committal acknowledgement of a link. If that was the basic idea, or at least one basis for it, then why not mention it up-front? People have heard of that. You could have saved dozens of posts evading the point and we could have all got to discussing how immeasurably small effects from different universes could affect human choices. Who knows, you might event have had time and energy to take a shot at tackling the tricky issue of how such remote and impersonal influences of which we are completely unaware can be counted as any sort of free will. But then I suppose that wasn't the point, was it?