Posted: Oct 12, 2017 6:12 pm
by John Platko
GrahamH wrote:
John Platko wrote:
How about this guy giving an example of how macroscopic objects can be entangled?

You do know that isn't "an example", don't you? It's a hand wave to a general principle that might be possible.

In principle you could make a pen out of antimatter, but I'm not giving you an example by typing that.

So, with all this hand waving at the weirdness of QM are you going to join any dots back to free will? How does entanglement of anything get you free will?

Well, GrahamH, if you're not going to believe what Leonard Susskind and Sean Carroll tells you about physics. Or what I posted here.

Or from

Thousands of atoms entangled with a single photon

Physicists from MIT and the University of Belgrade have developed a new technique that can successfully entangle 3,000 atoms using only a single photon.


“You can make the argument that a single photon cannot possibly change the state of 3,000 atoms, but this one photon does — it builds up correlations that you didn’t have before,” says Vladan Vuletic, the Lester Wolfe Professor in MIT’s Department of Physics, and the paper’s senior author. “We have basically opened up a new class of entangled states we can make, but there are many more new classes to be explored.”  

I don't expect you to believe my MWI entangled metaphysics of free will. :no: