Posted: Feb 25, 2018 2:39 am
by jamest
Well, here's my thoughts on the matter...

IF there were a Christ amongst us, it should imo be possible to verify this without the need for 'miracles'. Why? Because (from my perspective anyway) a Christ would be an individual who knew that 'it' was God, thus was not fooled (as we all seemingly are) into believing 'it' was human. The Christ would know without a doubt that being human is merely a dream - indeed, a lucid dream.

Of course, Christ would also be aware that the rest of us plebs were ignorant to this fact, thus would be understanding towards our plight and forgiving towards our thoughts and deeds. Which is not to say that 'it' would accept the status quo. Naturally, 'it' would want to spread the good news and alleviate the experience of suffering.

If such were true, then 'miracles' may indeed occur as an aid to such a process. However, let's imagine that for whatever reason The Christ didn't want to use them. What then could it do? What virtues could it express to impact upon the ignorant masses sufficient to impart the good news?

I'm trying to give this some serious thought, because of course my philosophy makes possible The Christ in all, as indeed does the message of some other theists. And I've come to one conclusion thus far:

I'm going to have to stop using frozen badgers to get my point across!

Well, I'll give it a try. But don't fucking vex me. :tongue:

I'm going to give this more thought.