Posted: Feb 27, 2018 6:46 pm
by John Platko
SafeAsMilk wrote:
John Platko wrote:
SafeAsMilk wrote:
John Platko wrote:

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

As that noteworthy Christian, Thomas Jefferson, informs us, you'll be left with diamonds. :nod: once you was your hands.


In other words, everyone else's bullshit is just bullshit, but his bullshit is special! But thanks for making a blind appeal to authority for your cherry picking, it's just as useless as it was the last time. You've certainly not offered anything meaningful or useful to the conversation from this "noteworthy Christian".

Well plenty of people think his Declaration of Independence was special bullshit. :nod: Why not his Bible?

No please, go ahead and keep making vapid appeals to authority, it really strengthens your argument :lol:

What exactly do you oject to that is in the Jeferson Bible?