Posted: Nov 13, 2018 12:29 am
by jamest
The idea, for those even bothering to listen, is that only God exists but has the capacity to impose upon itself the awareness/consciousness/belief of being a finite individual amidst a fragmented existence. This is achieved via the imposition of 'sets' of ordered/orchestrated sensations upon awareness/consciousness coupled with the forgetfulness of truth (about One's true identity) such that the awareness/consciousness is then free to interpret/perceive itself as a particular finite entity amidst a particular fragmented 'universe' of finite entities.

What supports this fact as much as any amount of philosophising, is that we see this scenario played-out most nights of our life, when - whilst asleep (to who we believe we are) - we become lost to all sorts of bizarre scenarios imposed upon our consciousness via orchestrated sensations. We call these scenarios dreams and nightmares, but what they prove beyond any shadow of doubt is that 'consciousness' is prone to both forgetfulness of identity AND at a whim believe that any ordered imposition of sensations are to be accepted as the basis of One's reality.

Thus, I don't even need to do philosophy to show you that consciousness is prone to forget 'self' and build it afresh from any new set of orchestrated sensations. This is something which you can confirm for yourselves almost every morning of your lives. Hence, to suggest that 'human individuals' are a belief about a particular set of imposed orchestrated sensations is hardly a stretch. The only difference between day and night is that day always brings the same dream. However, it has to, otherwise a consistent theory of self held universally wrt other reports of the same 'dream' would be impossible. Thus, it is the nature of consciousness to forget truth and forge identity, though the latter would be impossible without consistency.

It takes time to forge complicated sets of beliefs about oneself, to the extent that a short dream would be meaningless unless fueled by preconceived (constructed earlier) ideas about one's environment and oneself. Hence, in our dreams, no matter how weird, the weirdness is readily interpretable wrt some former knowledge about 'the world' and our emotions towards it. I mean, you cannot have a meaningful dream when you know neither yourself nor have any understanding of the world you are experiencing. So, the bottom-line is that consistency of a particular dream (our world) is paramount in the process of finding ANY meaning, even meaning within the weird shit that happens to us whilst asleep at night.

What's being suggested here is a purpose for it all, which is a means to construct EVOLVING ideas about oneself via both consistent and inconsistent experiences imposed upon consciousness/awareness.
Indeed, it is proposed here that the Theory of Evolution is in error, because what Darwin failed to see was that although 'bodies' can and do transform, it is driven by need/hope/emotion - MIND/HEART.

This is a NEW theory which nobody here has ever heard before, but one day in perhaps a few hundred decades or years it will usurp Darwin's ideas. Essentially, that idea boils-down to the fact that The Mind (via experience) drives transformations in the body and future generations thereof. Not the reverse, as Darwin has it.

For the record, when that day comes, in accordance with his philosophy, jamest insists that nobody constructs a religion around him nor constructs a statue of him to be placed in Trafalgar Square. Further, he demands that his detractors here (and their ancestors) be free from reprisals for their negative attitude towards him. It should be said, whilst he still has strings, that james seeks no rewards nor vengeance for himself.

There shall be more profound offerings forthcoming, strings permitting.