Posted: Apr 09, 2022 12:32 am
by Destroyer
Spearthrower wrote:

And this, dear Destroyer, is precisely why I will continue to challenge Zoon's claims about how all science supports their assertions: it's not only readily shown false, but also exposes a critically false understanding of how science operates and why it works.

You simply don't seem to be aware that there are two separate arguments that are been conflated here, 1. Theory of Mind is currently more reliable at predicting human behaviour than science - this is zoon's pet theory, which I do not disagree with; because all mental states are subjective and therefore not currently open to any means of empirical analysis and verification, 2. There is no reason why science, in its study of the brain, i.e., neuroscience, will not advance sufficiently to make reliable predictions about mental states and concepts - this is precisely due to zoon's conviction that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the brain and mind, hence studying the brain will tell us about the mind. That is the aspect of zoon's argument that I have latched unto, and not her preoccupation with "Theory of Mind".