Posted: Mar 18, 2010 7:35 pm
by Nocterro
Audley Strange wrote:
Nocterro wrote:
There exists a necessary being with properties including, but not necessarily limited to, perfect freedom, omnipotence, omniscience, perfect goodness, who caused the beginning of the existence of contingent things.

If P does A freely, then no cause makes him do A. He is ultimately responsible for A being done; for nothing makes him make A be done.

A person P is omnipotent at a time t if and only if he is able to bring about the existence of any logically contingent state of affairs x after t, the description of the occurrence of which does not entail that P did not bring it about at t, given that he does not believe that he has overriding reason for refraining from bringing about x.

A person P is omniscient at time t if and only if he knows every true proposition about t or an earlier time and every true proposition about a time later than t which is true of logical necessity or which he has overriding reason to make true, which it is logically possible that he entertains then.

A person P is perfectly good if P is so constituted that he always does what there is overriding reason to do, and always refrains from doing what there is overriding reason for not doing.

*edited for punctuation*

Ohhh nice. Okay...

1. Perfect Freedom and perfect Goodness are meaningless.

2. Plain nonsense.

3. Any description of a person as omnipotent is a stretch to say the least, to consider what he believes is utterly meaningless.

4. True is meaningless.

5 (see one)

Really you would have been better with "Magic superman who created it all".

Do you have any ACTUAL criticisms of these definitions? Saying there are nonsense or meaningless does not make it so. You are just arbitrarily dismissing this with a wave of your hand. And that's intellectually dishonest.