Posted: Jun 16, 2013 1:32 am
by Delvo
This isn't even really a question at all. The truth that of course it's obviously possible, and in fact quite common and routine, is so utterly indisputable and beyond doubt that it makes me wonder what in the world some people think could be the point in pretending to think it's impossible or even might be. It's the kind of lie that's so ridiculous it can't even be meant to actually fool anybody because nobody could be fooled by it.

The only potential answer I've come up with so far has to do with the fact that the person they accuse of thinking this way is always the man, never the woman, despite the fact that other common claims about the alleged differences between the two would inevitably mean it has to be the other way around. It fits in with our culture's general obsession with man-bashing, constantly coming up with a stream of ways to ascribe one bad thing after another to men and depict men as worthless sociopathic scum.