Posted: Sep 27, 2017 11:20 pm
by crank
Fallible wrote:It's supposed to be spelt with an e, unless they are therapies which pay you compliments. I'm glad such things don't affect you. I have OCD, which means things which appear little to others have greater importance for me. I decide which conventions are ok and which aren't based on what I learnt is the 'correct' way at school and from home, where getting things just right was deemed more important than the substance. For example, we learn here that it's colour with a u, even though the u is not necessary to make oneself understood.

I looked it up before posting that. Spelling is not my farte. I was looking at the free and the saying nice things, I completely didn't consider the 'matching' definition.

That OCD seems like it would be quite susceptible to CBT, a lot easier than trying to convince yourself that using your salad fork at the wrong time isn't an existential catastrophe.