Posted: Sep 04, 2011 7:05 pm
by chaggle
Animavore wrote:

EDIT: Some may have noticed I said "a 'h'" and not "an 'h'". In Hiberno-English we pronounce it 'haitch' not 'aitch'.

Isn't that one of the ways that you can tell Roman Catholics from Protestants? I was brought up (in the south of England) as a Protestant and always pronounced it "aitch". I was sent to a Roman Catholic school where suddenly everybody said "haitch". Very odd I thought.

"A hour" and "A heir" are both just wrong. "A hotel" and "An hotel" are both used and I don't know which is right or wrong - it's possible both are acceptable.

"Could of" is wrong.

I guess I'm a bit of a grammar nazi. :(