Posted: Aug 09, 2011 6:13 pm
by VictorTheSixth
If I may weigh in, get the degree in physics. Many of the Quantitative Analysts I've met have been physics majors. These are the people who craft the trading algorithms that earn companies millions of dollars. A Quant's paycheck is upwards in the six-figure range when end of the year bonus is counted. That is if you don't want to go into the sciences themselves.

I'm a bit prejudice just to warn you seeing as how I tend to have a dismal view of the Economic Theory and Degree holders overall.

Quite frankly too, if you want a job in the Financial Industry, you need to have a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering, or something along those lines. I'm in the Financial Field myself, I should know. Economics, Business, and other such degrees are holding less and less weight. I knew someone with their Masters in Economics who regularly attended conference about The Market and made friends with people in various Hedge Funds, Investment Banks, and Firms. In three years she had not had a single job offer and struggled to get an interview. I hold a BS in Computer Science with a concentration in Financial Modeling (creating large elaborate frameworks through which you can trade stocks, bonds, futures, etc.). In the four months after graduating I had 7 interviews, 3 of them with big name firms. Need I say more? :P