Posted: Nov 09, 2022 4:30 am
by Spearthrower
Azaghal wrote:
Spearthrower wrote:Just because I think you're talking a load of shit and are motivated by angsty hostility, doesn't mean I am living in an echo chamber. The reality is that I've spent my life living in completely different cultures all round the world, which is what people seeking comforting conformity do... amirite?

Perhaps ironically, such people have often been some of the most conformist people I've ever met.

Because inductive fallacy.

Azaghal wrote:I don't believe in "when in Rome"; I believe in what I deem correct.

Do you?

Azaghal wrote: I literally changed my legal name to where my middle name is the surname of a famous Persian scholar but I did that not because he was foreign and strange to an AmeriKKKan like me but because he contributed greatly to the totality of all human knowledge, ethnicity not mattering one bit.

That's nice, but you didn't mention the price of fish.

Azaghal wrote:
Spearthrower wrote:It's declined EXPONENTIALLY now... wow, you love making up shit on the fly dontcha? :lol:

Correct, "exponential" time series happen when one multiplies more or less the same term over and over again, such that a geometric increase or decline occurs. And that, in the latter case, is what Dave from the pub your own precious Nielsen numbers tell us about RoP only one season in. In addition to being creepily obsessed with my penis and what I do with it, you are also innumerate. Anything else?

And your evidence for this claim seems to have been forgotten while you launched into more distraction.