Posted: Nov 15, 2015 3:30 pm
by RDW
Another option is to remove the DRM ('digital rights management') encryption from the ebook file, which is designed to restrict copying and to lock you in to using only the devices and apps approved by a particular provider:

To do this, you typically:

(a) Download the ebook from the provider's store using their PC app.
(b) Install the Calibre ebook manager from
(c) Get the DRM removal tools from and follow the instruction to install the appropriate Calibre plugin.
(d) Import the ebook you downloaded in step (a) into Calibre. If (c) worked properly, the DRM will be removed automatically.

This sounds a little complicated, but is pretty seamless and straightforward once the software is installed. You now have an unencrypted file you can convert into any format you choose using Calibre (epub is popular and pretty universal - most Android e-readers will handle it), and copy to the device of your choice without restrictions. Disclaimer: obviously check your local law if you're worried about the legal implications of removing DRM, and don't use it to share the decrypted files on the Internet.