Posted: May 28, 2019 12:46 pm
by Macdoc
Call it The North and have the entire now ice free circumpolar nations as one state with the rest cooking with climate change and sea level rise,


They came slowly - trickling up the waterways from the melting arcologies in the south, there were no roads of course in the boreal wilderness and the ice roads of the past were only a generational memory.
Viking culture had re-emerged so raids on the remains of the high tech societies were something those trying to keep dying societies intact ......those unwilling to adopt Inuit, Lapp, Yakuts, Tingli, Cree and other indigenous peoples that had kept their survival ability intact fell prey quickly.....
Military holdouts in Alaska and Russian regions were failing without supplies from the south and Greenland not yet fertile tho with a greatly diminished ice cap
Solar panels were prised raid items.........

We should have a group write here for the first chapter....