Posted: May 23, 2014 11:01 am
by Rome Existed
The characters are from Berlin. My understanding is that Berliners were noted by the Nazis as never indoctrinating like the rest of the country. A number of Berliners hid Jews. One thing to remember too is that the Germans didn't always go along with the Nazis. The Aktion T4 was stopped (or at least halted until it could be better hidden) because there were protests all over Germany when the population found out about it.

I liked the miniseries. Not as good as Der Untergang, but still pretty good.

Another thing to remember is that not only did many German soldiers refuse to carry out orders such as shooting civilians, but German soldiers were actually allowed to do so. Even the death squad type units had quite a number of people ending up opting out. It's one of the reasons why the gas chambers were chosen, they were impersonal.