Posted: Dec 21, 2015 5:00 am
by Macdoc
Thought he was miscast .....Leia and Harrison are on the fair side...Ren just the wrong physiology to my eye.
Having a dark pimply countenance is too heavy handed....having a fairer countenance would provide an effective "surprise" when the the mask came off.

I agree the "tall menacing" dude morphing to an unsure adolescent was effective as was the wavering back and forth of the power balance with Rey was well done.
I also think he was not killed.


IWS - some good insight. I agree it fits in with the original and introduces enough new to carry on the franchise. I did not think the space CGi was up to snuff but that may have been on purpose.
The local fights and battles were pretty good tho.....

Chewbacci and Rey....hey that's the best transition when they boogie off in Millenum Falcon. She's a strong and fitting lead in my view.

She's got fire and passion...

and that i a cool weapon Chewbacca picked up....
