Posted: Sep 13, 2016 5:43 pm
by tuco
Not a fair assessment, because I already addressed it. Ideals versus what was called as communist. Nobody read Animal Farm?

Equality and democracy are paramount to communism via Marx. Little there is known about life outside of Starfleet. Respect of various cultures/lifestyles is paramount to Star Trek however. Its not Straship Troopers .. eeeewww bugs!!!!

Capitalist workplace lol Any work place. I am glad I read only one link in detail. Into the Darkness .. get some education please. Communism strives for betterment of humankind through cooperation unlike motivation by greed in capitalism.

Cmon now, this is getting ridiculous. Lacking basic knowledge. This way we wont build better society, better world ;)

fucking 7 edits ... sloppy