Posted: Nov 24, 2017 8:43 am
by Fallible
You claimed that people are not sitting in their living rooms watching tv, full stop, not that millions don’t. I don’t know what world you live in, but in mine, everyone over 30, or everyone who can’t afford two screens, or everyone who does not yet have super fast broadband (raises hand), which around here is the vast majority, is sitting in their living rooms watching their tv. Time slots are also a thing of the past on TV now if you can afford any kind of kit that allows recording, which is everyone, now that analog is no more. My daughter practically never watches tv, but only because we are fortunate enough that she can have her own equipment in her own space. This is just not possible for many. The tv is a staple of the vast majority of households, and to be honest watching anything else is complete pain in the arse in ours, because with our shitty speeds, as soon as we want to watch something on Netflix or download something, sprog is unable to stream for shit. You don’t get that with tv. I’m not saying that this is how it should be, only that this is in fact how it is. I don’t recognise the picture you paint, but then everyone around here is just an average kind of person with average jobs and lifestyles, or they’re jobless.