Posted: Nov 20, 2019 5:31 am
by Animavore
I'm not going to fault anyone for liking what they like but Moore's not entirely wrong in one regard in that a line can be drawn from comic book, movie, and gamers and this toxic culture of far right, knee-jerk reactionists, the likes of which revenge vote for Trump, in response to their beloved franchises diversifying.

I'm not even joking here. From when the ball started rolling with an all-female Ghostbusters right up to the recent announcement of a female Thor there has been an incessant pouring of grieving white men clogging up the comment sections as a backlash to 'woke' culture. And in those comments you will see 'This is why we're voting Trump', 'This is why Trump won', 'This is why Trump's gonna win in 2020'. Literally a bloc of Trump supporters who are terrified of losing their privileged status as white males voting for an insecure, disrespectful, destructive, emotionally immature, trashy bully like they are (or wish they were) as a fuck you to society stemming from the culture of grown white men who take kids' things seriously. They even railed against the new depiction of She-Ra as an almost Tomboy rather than an unrealistic female seemingly created to titilate young boys. This is a show for little girls! And these emotionally stunted manbabies are allowed to vote?