Posted: Jan 28, 2012 4:43 pm
by MattHunX
Nora_Leonard wrote:@Matt, thanks. But did you actually shoot Miranda, lol!

It's very interesting, this choice of avatar. The only time where I really had a chance to have an avatar was when I played Myst Online: Uru live. There I was usually playing as myself: here's me meeting Yeesha, which, for anyone who knows the Myst universe was a powerful moment for me:


This is Sven and I when we were making our Let's Play. There was a bit when we were doing a practice run and we bumped into a fan and he asked if he could have his picture taken with us. At this point I had changed into a red leather jacket, something I always wanted IRL. I really like this shot:


I also played as a male, Orin, who I created to represent one of the characters in a book I'm writing (who is a Canadian mounty, hence the lumberjack shirt). I found 'in cavern' I got very different responses as a male than as a woman. (For those of you who don't know the Myst games, there's no combat, but you can join together to solve certain problems.)


Recently I've fallen in love with the Mass Effect games, which I can only view vicariously on YouTube (as there's no version for the Mac that would work on my machine). As is obvious from my current RatSkep and FB avatars I really like the default John Shepard. My favourite FemShep was called Juno and was in a let's play that has now disappeared. She was very 'goth', which suited the voice really well, I thought.


I've said this before, but no game ever had as much of an impact on me as Mass Effect. When I was running up on the side of the Citadel and saw Sovereign claw away at it, that moment was just FUCKIN' EPIC! One of the three sci-fi novels I wrote my thesis on was the first Mass Effect novel, Revelation. This game got me interested in astronomy and all the rest and eventually led me to the RDF forum, discussion on atheism...etc. the whole thing. I'm embarrassed to admit, but when I played the game I didn't even know that the Horsehead Nebula and all the rest were real, I thought it was just in the game, at least the names, but when I researched it on Wikipedia and saw for real, and I began reading up on stars, planets, discoveries, the sheer size of the known universe...etc. my mind was blown. And I almost completely missed out on this game. I remembered seeing it on my dad's PC, and I had nothing to play with at the time, so I thought, yeah that game looked good, I'll try it. Fast forward. Here I am. 8-)

Nora, nice community behind that game, right? Nice Shepard, too. I like goths, depends on the amount of make up, and piercing. :)