Posted: Jun 19, 2012 4:46 am
by Wuffy
So I'm prodding and poking at Diablo III, and the more I poke at it the more I realise it's player support needs work.

Trying to figure out new gear is actually an arcane art that only seems to revolve around swinging faster having more primary stat and having more ARM.

Which isn't actually helpful. I realised that even if you are swinging really fast (making your dps higher) It screws all your actual abilities.

As a barbarian, most of my powers trigger and deal a % of my weapon damage, that damage is unaffected by my actual hits per second. So high DPS helps for fuck all on most of my powers.

DPS for a weapon doing 50 damage, is the same as a weapon that does 100 damage as long as the other one is swung just as often. But the 100 weapon will end up giving better results simpyl by virtue of all the other things working from my weapon damage.

Take cleave, which I can put Rupture rune on, of look rupture does 85% of weapon damage in a radius to all enemies (All enemies that die do this, including those that die from that burst) So I would rather swing slower but with a stronger weapon to maximise this.

So I am tempted to actual bung together an actual character Calculator to figure out what's going on with your gear and what it is doign with your skill outputs. Though that may be a lot of work, any thoughts?