Posted: Jul 02, 2012 2:18 am
by Bribase
Bicycles spawn fully operational and tend to be hard to destroy unless you crash into a lot of stuff.

My bike got nicked from Devil's castle! I knew it wasn't a glitch because there was a crossbow bolt embedded in the wall right by it. I spent the rest of my playthrough searching for common bicycle spawn points from the radio tower at Olsha by the NE airfield to the remote little shack between Starry Sobor and Guglovo but to no avail.

the server was half full but I saw few other players. The one's I did see were very sheepish and uncommunicative. One guy I ran into in the supermarket in Krasnostav sped away in his jeep before we had a chance to exchange pleasantaries. I finally came a cropper in the NW airfiled by Vybor. I made it into the heavily zombified barracks there with careful use of flares for distraction. I headed over the the radio tower and realised that I had to take a zombie out in the control room but my AKS-74 Kobra would attract hundreds of Zs. I flung a flare as far as I could to move the Zs away from hearing my gunshot but one missplaced round into the zombie in the control room caused me to panic and spray wildly as he broke my leg. The horde was on it's way and I had enough ammo from the barracks to fend them off (about 5 clips for my Kobra) but without morphine I was truly fucked. The doorway to the radio tower was blocked by debris and the only way down was the ladder I used to get up there. Unfortunately, the ladder wasn't working for me (did they patch it so it can't be used with broken limbs?) so I had to flop off the side. I got knocked out for a while but after necking some painkillers and half a cow I had enough strength to continue but was hampered by the shock. My hearing muffled and my vision blurry I tried to make it the firestation on the off chance I could find a medical drop. I didn't hear the zombie police officer creep up on me, I took a knee and waited to be surrounded. Knowing that this was my last stand.

Zombie kills: 113
Headshots: 67
Murders: 0 (The few players I saw were passive but uncommunicative, there were few razor wire exploits, no bandits to be seen, a server I would like to come back to: Vpope)

Lesson learned: Always hide your vehicle well. being in an infrequently visited area is not enough; hide it in the woods were nobody can find it. Never head North without 2 morphine hypos. You can neck soda and eat whole livestock as you go but a broken leg means a long crawl back to Cherno or Berezino and the people there are just as uncommunicative but exchange a lot more bullets.