Posted: Jan 31, 2013 9:17 am
by Matt8819
Hmm...well, I don't really have a top ten all time list, but here are a mix of ten games that I either have loved forever, or am playing right now and are amazing. This list isn't in order, but it's close to being in order.

10. Thomas Was Alone. Currently playing.
A gorgeously simplistic 2D indie platformer using a series of different shaped blocks with a very well programmed jump. The thing that makes this game amazing is the narration. Between the narrator being very good, and the dialogue being very well written, the dev. has managed to give each block its own personality, and make them all so far characters I actually care about. Very good level design so far, too. Oh, and the music is really good.

9. Gotham City Imposters. Currently playing.
Not too much to say about this one. A very fun FPS with a clever art style and sense of humour about the whole thing. Also free to play.

8. The Elder Scrolls series.
I've played Oblivion and Skyrim, and have just picked up Morrowind. I expect great things from it.

7. The Dragon Age Series.
Just started a play through of Origins again, and it's reminded me just how much fun I had the first time I played it. DA:2 is also a favorite, but not as strong as Origins. I have high hopes for Inquisition.

6. Bastion.
Another indie game, this time an action game. Good mechanics, amazing aesthetic, fucking perfect narration and soundtrack, including two of the greatest songs ever in a video game. Ever.

5. Pokemon. All of them.
Because they're fucking fun.

4. Dishonored.
Wicked fun stealth action, and my introduction to the genre, unless you count Deus Ex:HR. Although I've recently picked up the thief games, so this spot on the list may change.

3. Portal. Both of them.
Why in hell should I need to explain this?

2. Ocarina of Time.
Because fuck yes, that's why.

1. the Golden Sun series.
Mainly the first two for the Gameboy Advanced, but Dark Dawn was pretty good, too. Fun puzzles, great animations, probably the most fun I've ever had with an RPG.