Posted: Mar 14, 2014 8:31 am
by Darkchilde
Lately, I have started playing this with a nice Jedi Consular Shadow. Good graphics, great story arc, and f2p for 2 characters per sever up to Level 50. For f2p there are 3-4 different races you can choose, and all the available classes. There are 4 classes for the Republic and 4 classes for the Empire. Different story arc for each class, and you can choose two different paths for each class, plus there are changes in the story depending on the side you choose: light or dark. Some quests you need to team up with other players to do; some are easy, some are more difficult. But they all are doable without getting frustrated; bosses do usually need some trick to be defeated, but hey this is the internet age; also the people in chat channel in SW help if they can.

However, the SW TOR mmorpg is maybe one of the best I have seen. It has separate servers for PvP and PvE plus a server with special RP rules. The f2p option lets you finish the main story arc for each character.

Also, you can either subscribe for one month once and get some extras like extra inventory space, and extra races, or you can choose to use "Cartel coins" which you buy with real money to use within the game. Some quests also reward you with a few Cartel coins but not too many.

So, you can play it for free, give some money once, or be a subscriber. I think this is a well designed strategy; yes subscribers get more, after all they pay, but this is a game everyone can enjoy regardless if they are subscribers or not.

I have admitted lots of times that I am a huge SW fan. I loved the first KOTOR game, played it maybe 3-4 times consecutively. I did not like the second one, it felt rushed and unfinished.

I like this game so much, I became a subscriber. I got a 6-month subscription, since it was not that expensive and I like this game quite a bit.

Anyone else playing it on the European servers? If yes, I have a Jedi Consular Shadow named Tanitha, (The Shades Legacy) for the moment on the PvE server.