Posted: Oct 23, 2014 3:18 pm
by Thomas Eshuis
Thommo wrote:Chill out, I'm allowed to make points whether or not they coincide with your views.

Of course, but it would be clearer and helpful if you pointed out when you're responding to my post or talking in general, in a post where you explicitely quote me.

Thommo wrote:It's perfectly acceptable for me to question whether it really is "sizeable" and in what context that's reasonable.

Of course, but it's not acceptable or reasonable to link that to a majority of the gaming population when I've made no such claim.
Again, if you're talking in general, specify that, especially when your making claims directly under quotes from my post.

Thommo wrote:A couple of sentences expressing how people are feeding colossal amounts of attention to a few idiots who represent about a ten thousandth of a percent of gamers is not a rant.

No, but responding to my post and then talking about a completely different point than I made, without transition, is.

Thommo wrote:Incidentally the amount of hysteria over relatively minor issues is exactly what The Daily Show regularly criticizes Fox News for and posters here generally seem to agree that their moral panics are overreactions and not a great idea. I think we should at least compare and contrast appropriate reactions to things we read from other media sources.

I'm not sure to what you're referring here, but I do not consider detailed death threats a minor issue.