Posted: Jan 10, 2015 8:08 am
by tuco
Behavior of gamers usually consist sitting on their ass, either trolling someone ingame or on the internet or just playing games, improving their hand-eye coordination and problem solving abilities, sometimes getting fat or nerdy, often socializing over text or voice, contributing for free to community with mods, guides, comments, cheats, complaints, suggestions and such.

How about boxing? Could boxing cause violence?

I find the whole debate about games and violence absurd in the context of US culture, society and media. They have live coverage of car chases and movies without shooting are boring. Oh that is why? That is why video games need attention? Do research. Its not like the data are not obtainable. In fact, there is so much data to be mined and analyzed from behavior of gamers that models can be tried before implemented in the so-called real world and simulations run on scale not seen before.

I think Tom and Jerry causes violence. When I saw it for the first time I was like .. wtf? We only had ground hog making chamomile tea for everyone.