Posted: Nov 17, 2015 1:27 am
by Thommo
On a related note I found a really cool post on Reddit yesterday with a bunch of tips someone gathered from the community:- ... ould_know/

As you can see I'm not the only one to come up with that one.

Some other highlights that are REALLY useful:-
- Fusion core value doesn't deteriorate, you can sell any with low charge for full value and buy a new one (barely lose any caps if you have good charisma and 2 ranks in the first charisma trading talent) to get way more bang for your buck!
-Codsworth can wear a bowler hat! Some other companions can also be given armor and stuff, including dogmeat for a few limited items.
-You can craft oil and adhesive from special utility recipes, which are both easy and valuable. Especially adhesive if you set up a farm to grow carrots, mutfruits and corn.
-Stats from drugs and armor stack from different sources and you get the benefit past 10 points - Just for a laugh I tried bartering with 24 charisma (it seems you only get the bonus up to 20 though).
-On the same point I always carry a charisma gear set (2cha dress, or 3 if you get the special one, cha hat and cha glasses, it may also be possible to get cha on legendary arm armors that you can equip with a dress too) to get better prices and it could be used to pass speech checks. You could do the same with other stats like int or luck for passing skill checks or getting xp boosts when handing in quests that are valuable or building a lot of stuff in town.

And the ones I'd missed that are on there:-
-You can pickpocket the power core to make an enemy leave their power armor, you can then steal the power armor frame! :rofl:
-You can click [],(), <>,and {} with anything in between the brackets when hacking to get special bonuses that make hacking easier!
-You can hold down the "place item" button and scroll around to raise and lower items.
-Placing an item on a small rug then picking up the rug allows you to clip the item into a wall or other scenery in a way you can't usually.