Posted: Jun 27, 2010 9:22 pm
by tuco
Can You Run It:

DAO is not too demanding, and "true" gamer *shrugs* knows eye candy is overrated ;) Beware though, it does not have combat log and abolishment of AD&D could be somehow disappointing. What is not disappointing: dialogs, stories, music, characters, combat mechanics (via Pause essentially turn-based) in general, and epic encounters. Aimed at mainstream while keeping enough "beef" to catch interest of those on fringe in my opinion. Lots of bang for a buck too - easily 40+ hours of game-play, which is unseen in todays games.

JA2 .. what to say without using superlatives?

Ivan Dolvich: [Speaking Russian; upon finding a weapon he likes] If I keep quiet, I will be able to keep it for myself! -