Posted: Nov 11, 2015 9:03 pm
by Adco
Emmeline wrote:That ottoman is impressive work. :clap:
I also like the rails you put up & especially like those planters against the wall - did you make those yourself?

Re: bendy MDF, I used that to make a curved bath panel to replace the horrible plastic one we inherited. It worked pretty well & I was able to paint it to match the tongue & groove panelling I put on the walls (to cover the naff tiles).
Yup, made with these hands to keep them out of mischief. :lol:

I try and make everything myself. There are exceptions that I don't have the necessary machinery for but most things in the house I build myself. Woodwork, mechanics, electrical or electronics is fair game. If I can visualise it, I give it a bash. Fun in my old age.